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  • Availability: 10
  • Price: $249.99

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Modification Services for ART SOLO MPA Model

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New at Revive Audio is the entire SOLO line of ART products. Based on the classic series with one new addition (The Solo Studio).

The solo series takes all of their most popular products and puts them in a single channel version for Project studios and those needing only one channel and also adds some new exciting features.

The sound is great on the solo series for budget minded enthusiasts and small commercial studios alike, but as always, our goal as always is to move products we modify into the Professional level studio range at Small studio prices.


About Solo MPA:

On the Solo MPA we offer a wonderful circuit upgrade that rivals many higher end designs along with a Cinemag output transformer upgrade option for the ultimate in Analog Mojo.

Our primary goal is to turn this already good sounding Class A tube preamp into a preamp that professional studios and critics alike would reach for in their mic pre arsenal.

They are warm, robust and sonically excellent for Vocals, bass and any number of sources you would think to reach for this type of design.


About the Modifications

We perform and number of modifications to the circuit from every audio cap and power supply cap to voltage adjustments and more.

So…On these units we have modified the input, output and buffer stages with High performance Burr Brown opamps for optimum fidelity.

Coupling and de-coupling is also performed throughout the circuit using premium Panasonic parts for better frequency response, lower noise, longer life and more musicality.

Voltage rails of both the analog and B+ rails are increased for more headroom and better HF detail.

A Low noise, high performance Tube is installed and much more.

These units have been professionally modified by our technicians and given the seal of approval to go to work at you home or in your studio.

These are beautiful sounding units with a lot of dynamic range and big bottom end.

For a finishing touch we add New anodized knobs to separate your modified unit for a stock unit aesthetically.


The results:

The service increases the headroom of the unit, widens the frequency response, lowers the noise and increases the detail of the audio image (basically it comes out sounding a lot more Hi-fi and professional.)

The Modification also increases the speed of the attack and release times making these cool compressors useable on a broader range of applications.

What we end up with is a Boutique sounding 1U Solid state, tube hybrid preamp that excels at an affordable price!