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  • Product Code: WA76-PRE-MODIFIED, NEW UNIT
  • Availability: 1
  • Price: $874.99

Revive Audio Modified: Warm Audio WA76 unit that is a new unit opened for modification

Priced just right with a full 1 year warranty!

We have multiples available for those that would like a stereo link-able pair.

Hear the sound samples on our Sound Samples page!

We put a lot of love into the mods on this one to squeeze out the maximum performance possible.

While the design is not authentic to an original our modifications will make even Professional studio owners happy!

With the modifications they sound great on Bass, vocals, room mics and more.

Pretty much anywhere you would want to put a 76, like everywhere!

These designs have a lot of shortcuts that make the unit sound fluttery when compressing with no low end response.

They also have high distortion figures over an original unit, but are often described as sounding good for the money by most users, which is where we come in.

The Results:

The service increases the headroom of the unit, widens the frequency response, lowers the noise and increases the clarity a great deal.

It also lowers the distortion figures considerably and smoothes out the compression character to be closer to the original design and will leave a smile on your face.

So The modifications:

We do a complete audio path upgrade using premium parts for lower noise and higher headroom as well as lower distortion.

All Audio caps are swapped out for better performance using Panasonic Parts to start.

Orange Drop Capacitors are used in critical coupling locations for more authenticity.

Bypassing is performed where necessary for lower noise in the line amp.

Power supply modifications are also performed for the lowest possible noise figures in the overall design and better current delivery.

All transistors are swapped out for better performance, HFE matched sets for better bandwidth, lower noise as well as lower distortion.




This unit has been professionally modified by our technicians and given the seal of approval to go to work at your home or in your studio.

These are wonderful sounding units with a lot of dynamic range and big bottom end with the modifications just the way it’s supposed to be:)

We are offering a full 1 year warranty
on these newly modified units so rest assured!


Here is some manufacturer info:

Warm Audio WA76 Limiting Amplifier Features:

  • Class A line-level output amplifier
  • Inspired by the sought-after D revision of the iconic solid-state limiting amplifier
  • Completely discrete signal path
  • Utilizes US-made Cinemag input and output transformers
  • Supports the famous all-buttons-in ratio setting
  • Ultra-fast attack time; 55db of gain
  • Input impedance is 600 ohms, bridges-T control (floating)
  • 20Hz to 20kHz (+/-1dB) frequency response
  • XLR and TRS inputs and outputs
  • Less than 0.4% total harmonic distortion from 50Hz to 20kHz with limiting
  • Signal to noise ratio is greater than 74dB at +25dBm
  • Equivalent input noise (EIN) is -104.1dBm
  • Attack time is 20 microseconds to 800 microseconds
  • Release time is 50 milliseconds to 1 second
  • Meter provides dB gain reduction and dB output
  • Internal power supply and an external 24-volt AC power transformer (included)
  • 2U, 19" rackmount chassis